every once in a while i think i'm going to publish something of value on this blog and then i realize that it requires way too much brain effort.
what can i say that hasn't already been said? exactly! so why bother, i am, after all, mediocre.
so on that note. i'm sitting here getting all sorts of philosophical with some friends* about life and politics and social issues and i realize, i'm so lazy that i don't like to be bothered by connecting enough words together to form a coherent sentence, and that's why i make friends with really smart people.
they can write about all the important crap i'm way too lazy to put into text and i can sit back and enjoy, and often marvel, at their fine work.
phew!!!! glad i got that out of the way.
*chandelle, g, lessie
You're so funny, MPM! I love this post!